Local schools celebrated World Book Day on Thursday, March 7. Many of the school children dressed up as book characters.
Longvernal Primary School
Longvernal celebrated World Book Day 2024 dressed as their favourite book characters.
Primary School pupils celebrated ‘book week’ last week - not just book day. Look out for the full report in The Journal.
St Benedict's Catholic Primary School
The children made book-themed masks and took part in a variety of online workshops led by authors such as Michael Rosen and Sarah Bowie.
They also took part in draw-along sessions and learned how to illustrate books.
Children joined a story-telling session with members of staff in the afternoon.
Emma Schofield, Deputy Headteacher, said: “We had a fabulous day celebrating World Book Day at St Benedict's.”
St Vigor & St John C Of E Primary School
St Vigor and St John School pupils had a fun-filled day dressing up as their favourite characters.
Key Stage 1 students had the opportunity to make wooden spoon book characters whilst Key Stage 2 created stories in matchboxes!

Sisters Juliet and Betty dressed as their favourite characters too. Juliet Nockolds (left) dressed up as Veruca Salt from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Betty Nockolds (right) as Betty from Betty and the Yeti.