Carlingcott, next to Peasedown St John, has received £32,000 worth of investment this summer thanks to a campaign led by Councillors and residents.

Known for its natural beauty and history, Carlingcott has had the road running through the village completely resurfaced.

A campaign had been running for many years to persuade B&NES Council to allocate funding to resurface the road – which was in desperate need of attention after decades of wear and tear.

The village is represented by Cllr Karen Walker and Cllr Gavin Heathcote (Independents) on the Council, as part of the Peasedown St John ward.

Cllr Karen Walker said: “We’ve been lobbying the Highways Department for at least the last six years, asking them to resurface the road through Carlingcott. Residents first approached us in 2017, appealing for the works to be done.

“ This £32,000 worth of investment to resurface the road is very much welcomed.”

At the start of each year, Peasedown St John’s B&NES Councillors submit a ‘wish list’ to the Council asking for funding for various projects.

Cllr Gavin Heathcote added: “Before I was elected to the Council in May, in my capacity as Chairman of the Peasedown Community Trust, I would regularly lobby B&NES for funding for our community.”

“Thanks to all the residents who have been in touch with us over the last few years to lobby for roads to be resurfaced and potholes to be filled in.”