Communities will be asked for intel on serial offenders who fail to pick up after their dogs as Bath and North East Somerset Council ramps up enforcement.

The authority is putting in an extra £40,000 to tackle littering, flytipping and other environmental crimes as part of a one-off £950,000 boost for neighbourhood services.

From April there will also be £2million more for road repairs so the district’s highways network reaches a “steady state” after years of underinvestment and falling standards.

Councillor David Wood, the cabinet member for neighbourhood services, told scrutiny panel members: “I’ve made it one of my aims to reverse cuts and restore some frontline services, so I’m really pleased that we’ve attracted nearly £1million investment as a trial in neighbourhood services for the next financial year as well as an additional £2million towards road repairs.”

Asked about the crackdown on dog fouling, he said: “In my experience it is always a very small number of dog owners that are causing the problem – it may just be one per village but the visible impact is quite huge.

“This is designed as very much an intelligence-led service. It wouldn’t have the capacity to say there is dog fouling in this park in general, we’ll station an officer there for a week to watch everyone that goes through.

“Where the community, parish councils, town councils and so on can come together and find the intelligence that can guide our enforcement officers, then they can be very targeted with when they attend to give education and advice and as necessary issue fines to people.”

The council also plans to install cameras in laybys that are hotspots for flytipping.

The other 10 priority areas in neighbourhood services are:

* £300,000 for increased routine street cleansing in wards and on the highways network – with priority stretches of the A37, A39 and A4 to be cleaned four times a year – plus ‘clean and green’ community action days 

* £101,000 for extra staff and machinery to carry out mechanical weed removal after the council stopped using toxic weedkiller glyphosate 

* £9,000 on weeding equipment to loan to communities

£100,000 for graffiti removal, with work up to the value of £1,500 offered to residents free of charge and a paid service for commercial buildings

* £100,000 for a new response team to work across parks, cleansing and highways for a year

* £100,000 to increase the council’s gully emptying capacity by 50 per cent

* £30,000 to replace worn out road signs and street name plates 

An extra £85,000 to repair roads and pavements 

* £80,000 for line painting 

* £5,000 to fill grit bins

Mr Wood blamed government cuts for years of underinvestment in the council’s roads that has meant main roads are prioritised and neighbourhood and rural roads go an “extremely long time” before they have any intervention at all.

“If you invest at the steady state you can, on a cycle, refresh all roads in the authority so that they’re resurfaced every five or 10 years depending on the type of road and you can keep the entire network up to a standard,” he said. 

“When there’s a deficit in the level of investment you see the road network gradually deteriorates over a period of time and those higher footfall roads are prioritised.

“By putting an extra £2million into road repairs we’ve gone a huge way to almost getting ourselves to that kind of steady state level of road investment. 

“If you’ve had 10 years of under investment in your road network you can’t fix that in a single year.”