SWALLOW Charity Choir performed with the Mendip Male Voice Choir on Saturday, July 13, at St Nicholas Church in Radstock.

They raised an amazing £855. Cream teas were served in the SWALLOW café before the event and then both choirs performed to an appreciative audience of more than 100 people which filled the church.

The choirs sang beautifully and SWALLOW’s performance included Makaton signing. The SWALLOW Choir consists of members, staff and volunteers, it practises every Wednesday, and is led by Julie Brady. One SWALLOW Choir member said: “I love singing it makes me feel happy and being able to share our joy on Saturday was wonderful”.

SWALLOW Charity provides a wide range of help and support for local teenagers and adults with learning disabilities. People who would like to know more about their work can visit their website at www.swallowcharity.org.

In August, SWALLOW will be celebrating the power of Friendship and will be asking people to sign up to their Friends of SWALLOW scheme by making a regular donation to the charity, if you would like to find out more please email or email Nicky on [email protected]