The Director for England at Mental Health Foundation has written in to our letters column regarding World Mental Health Day.

Tuesday, 10th October is World Mental Health Day and the Mental Health Foundation is encouraging everyone to get involved by taking the time to have a meaningful conversation about mental health.

Talking about how you feel is important to help protect your mental health. If you are struggling, it helps to talk to someone you trust.

If you want to start a conversation with someone about their mental health, find a quiet space with no distractions. Listen and allow the person to speak.  Ask questions but don’t interrupt. Ask how you can help and listen to what they need.

World Mental Health Day is about raising awareness and driving positive change for everyone’s mental health. So, you might like to host a Tea and Talk event at your work or community group to get everyone involved.  Our website has lots of information and materials for running an event including tips for starting conversations.

You can also show your support by wearing a green ribbon or sharing information on social media.  

Find out more along with posters, social media images, and advice on how to protect your mental health at

Alexa Knight