Trinity Church: Last Sunday we welcomed Pat Heynes who led morning worship. Her reflection was based on choices and favourites.

We then shared Matthew’s account of The Parable of the workers in the vineyard.

Saturday coffee from 10am when we will be serving homemade cakes, bacon butties, and hot dogs. We have a new batch of jams and chutneys, at a reasonable cost, available so please pop in.

Sunday morning worship at 10.30am will be led by Rev David Musgrave and will include Holy Communion. Tuesday Knit and Natter from 2-4pm.

The local Foodbank is running very low on stock. If you feel you would like to donate the Church is open every Tuesday afternoon or Saturday morning. Any item, large or small would be gratefully received.

For more details about our Church life, please contact: [email protected].

Sue Tandy