PCC Mark Shelford is asking if you would support paying an increase on your council tax to fund local policing.

The PCC has launched a survey that asks residents in Avon and Somerset to state if they agree or disagree with his proposal to increase the policing part of the council tax.

Local policing is funded by a combination of the precept, Home Office and other grants, with the precept accounting for forty-one per cent of police funding.

For next year, the Government has told PCCs they can increase the precept by fifteen pounds for a band D household. The Government assume that PCCs will ask for the maximum allowed and use this assumption in their budget setting.

Even with the maximum precept increase, the funding will not be enough to meet projected costs. As a result, Avon and Somerset Police will face a £3.2 million deficit in the year 2023/24 and £7.4 million deficit in 2024/25.

PCC Mark Shelford said: “Even if Avon and Somerset Police receive an extra fifteen pounds next year from local people in band D households, this will leave a significant deficit that will impact policing”

“£3.2 million funds the equivalent of eighty police staff; or the running costs of two thirds of Avon and Somerset Police’s entire fleet of vehicles; or one third of our police estate such as police stations and buildings”.

Mark continued: “I know that times are tough for a lot of households and an increase in bills next year is a big ask from local residents. Rising costs of living, fuel and inflation is impacting us all, including the cost of running the police service. However, in order to deliver on the priorities and the issues you told me were important to you when I was elected, I need to ask for this additional funding.

“Please do take five minutes to complete the survey and share your thoughts with me.”

The survey will run until 30th January 2023. Postal surveys are also being delivered to local residents across Avon and Somerset. To complete the survey, visit: https://avonandsomerset-pcc.gov.uk/forms/ops/