WRITHLINGTON Action Group has been awarded £500 by Avon Wildlife Trust to enhance the village’s natural spaces.

Rhea Warner, Community Organiser at Avon Wildlife Trust, said: “We have noticed the amazing work the Writhlington Action Group are doing to make the neighbourhood beautiful for both people and wildlife in Writhlington.

“Thank you to the group for sharing their time and energy to inspire and uplift others. The Nextdoor Nature Somer Valley team would love to support your work with £500 from our Community Support Fund.”

The Trust is working with Writhlington residents to make the village better for both wildlife and people. Local views on what is loved about Writhlington and what could be improved are being considered.

This grant provides an opportunity for residents to offer feedback to Writhlington Action Group on how to further their efforts.

The group is now inviting residents to share their ideas on how to best use the funds to enhance the village's beauty and natural environment. Whether it's a small project or a larger initiative, all suggestions are welcome. 

Everyone, from children to seniors, is encouraged to contribute their thoughts and ideas on the Writhlington Action Group Facebook page.

The group say: “Your input will help shape a more vibrant and nature-friendly village”.