With a change in government there is likely to be a change of gear in action to decarbonise Britain: Ed Miliband (who first helped set Net Zero standards) has said: 

“We will get started right away, and my priorities are”: 

  • Delivering our mission to boost energy independence and cutting bills through clean power by 2030 

  • Taking back control of our energy with Great British Energy 

  • Upgrading Britain’s homes and cutting fuel poverty through our Warm Homes Plan 

  • Standing up for consumers by reforming our energy system 

  • Creating good jobs in Britain’s industrial heartlands, including a just transition for the industries based in the North Sea 

  • Leading on international climate action, based on our domestic achievements”

Metro Mayors (all but one now Labour) were called to Downing Street by Keir Starmer to discuss working collaboratively; very different to the competitive stance thus far. Dan Norris (MP for North East Somerset and Hanham and WECA Mayor) was wearing two hats. He will not be the first MP to have more than one job (the previous incumbent also held down his careers within the financial and media sectors) but we will watch with interest to see if holding the two roles at this time perhaps increases his power to get things done, as he has a good track record on delivering for the climate and nature emergency agenda.  

We were delighted to be able to trial ‘Cycle with Confidence’ training recently and signed up people from a range of ages. This gave us confidence to apply for a Healthy Hearts Fund for further training in Summer 2025. We will let you know how we get on. 

The new Transport Secretary, Louis Haigh, is ‘kickstarting a bus revolution’ moving control of services to local area franchising (as is found in Greater Manchester Bee Network) or public ownership. This is good news for increasing and improving the bus network here. 

We want to share some information from our three month review of the X91: the most popular day for travel is Wednesday and there has been an encouraging growth trend across time. May dipped, unsurprisingly with two bank holidays, but the overall trend is good. Why not join this thriving community and get on board yourself? 

Finally, please watch our socials and parish council networks for news of a customer satisfaction survey about the X91 that will be launched in the second half of July and continue through August.