The Chair of Westfield Council has written into our letters column to ask Bath and North East Somerset Council to acknowledge the area's existence.

Since its inception twelve years ago, the Parish Council has been requesting that B&NES installs highways signage pointing drivers to Westfield.  

Westfield was created in 2011.  Had this community been a brand-new development, directional signage would have gone up automatically at the very start.  

By failing to install signage, B&NES consistently ignores an entire unseen community on its own boundary.

In actual fact Westfield is not asking for much – simply a recognition that it exists and a means of directing people to this Parish.  

Westfield Parish Council is astounded that B&NES does not view the lack of signage as an oversight and responds with an apology to the people of Westfield and a plan to rectify the situation.  

But instead, the requests are brushed off in a way which is actually both demoralising and insulting to this community.

For example, B&NES has suggested that putting in directional signage to Westfield would create some kind of confusion with motorists!  

It is clearly the lack of signage for those travelling to Westfield which creates the confusion.  They implied that directional signage to Westfield constitutes a ‘cosmetic’ change.  This comment lacks understanding of the vital significance of identity and place.  

Westfield exists. 

People are proud of its mining and industrial heritage, and amongst many things its schools, college and Churches.  

Directional signage is the most basic step in recognising a place.  

Not only is Westfield home to some 6,000 residents, (4,813 Council tax payers) it is also a centre of educational excellence with two vibrant schools, one of which, Fosse Way School, brings in students from all over the unitary authority, Somerset and Wiltshire.  

It is home to a thriving industrial estate, creating employment across the region. 

At the very least, a sign from the A37 to Westfield would go some way towards helping motorists locate our parish. 

We were told that directional highways signs to Westfield would be considered as and when signage is renewed.  This has just not happened.  In  the twelve years of our existence, B&NES signage has been renewed, but still nothing directs motorists to Westfield.

Finally, we were told that we could have directional signage if the people of Westfield pay for it!  

In this scenario, I think we would be the only place in Bath and North East Somerset which actually has to pay for its own directional highways signage.  

B&NES should be ashamed of the way it is treating Westfield.

On behalf of the people of Westfield, we ask that B&NES stops brushing us off with excuses and actually draws up a plan outlining how and when it will implement directional highways signage to Westfield.

Cllr Phil Wilkinson, Chair of Westfield Parish Council