One local resident weighs in on the grass cutting argument, suggesting that uncut grass makes resident areas look "scruffy".

I am in discussions with BATHNES Council concerning the grass cutting policy affecting the housing estates in our area.

My initial concerns were for where I live, Charlton Park, and to that end I have contacted our BATHNES Councillor, Tim Warren CBE who agrees that the policy makes once pristine estates scruffy and has offered his good offices to facilitate an estate wide questionnaire to ascertain the views of the residents. 

This can then be used to assist the Council when planning.

BATHNES, through the Officer allocated to handle my complaint, have agreed to returning to the grass cutting status quo until the exercise has been undertaken, but to date has not honoured this.

My question to your readers is do they have the same concerns for their immediate environment and my question to you is will you provide a platform to address these concerns?

We, the silent majority need to find a voice and, maybe it will start with your Journal.

Cliff Shellard, Midsomer Norton