WITH Summer drawing to a close and the longer, balmy evenings winding down to cosy nights in front of the fire, thoughts turn to the comfort of early autumn, Halloween and Christmas festivities.

Here at the animal park things are no different. Plans for the autumn enclosures and updates to current projects are well into the planning stages. A new otter enclosure is also under construction.

The restaurant will soon change its menu from light summer bites and pizza to cosy Autumn food. Continuing to use great locally produced food for the best taste. Evenings will continue to have pizzas and main meals along with varied entertainment throughout the month. The Sunday lunches are still available from noon to 4.30pm and booking is advisable to guarantee your table. Weather you fancy a quick bite as you wander round the park seeing the animals or coming for an evening meal you will not be disappointed.

There are plenty of animals to see and learn about
There are plenty of animals to see and learn about (There are plenty of animals to see and learn about)
Meerkats will amuse everyone
Meerkats will amuse everyone (Meerkats will amuse everyone)
 A kookaburra
A kookaburra ( A kookaburra)
The meerkats are a firm favourite
The meerkats are a firm favourite (The meerkats are a firm favourite)

The animals of course continue to be their usual fun and entraining selves. As the weather cools they come to life and become more energetic. The goats in the fields are full of energy and bound up to meet you at the gate in the hope you have a handful of food to share with them. The meerkats continue with their strange behaviour, with many standing tall peering or sunbathing, but they quickly dash off as you get closer to them - before repeating the same pattern.

The American red squirrels with their tireless energy hare around their enclosure chasing each other, amusing all ages. The Kookaburra can suddenly burst into hysterical laughter which can be heard throughout the park. The Indian runner ducks can be seen doing their laps of the camel enclosure judged closely by the onlooking camels who are usually resting in the sunshine.

These are just a few of the amazing animals you can see and experience on your visit. The zoo keepers are more than happy to stand and talk to you about the animals they look after as if they were their own pets. Their knowledge is incredible and you are guaranteed to learn a few facts you never knew about many of the animals. 

There is plenty going on at the animal park this Autumn and Winter so keep a look out on the website for any updates. Coming in December and worth booking in advance for are the Christmas Market and Supper with Santa both following on from their success last year. The Christmas Party menu will be released soon and booking will be advisable.

Why not pop down to the Chew Valley Animal Park this autumn and see what they have to offer you. It’s well worth the visit.