LAST weekend saw Norwest’s two youngest bowlers, Chloe Holmes and Jack Vine, head off to Winscombe Bowls Club to take part in the Somerset Bowls Association Under 25s singles competition.

This is a prestigious event which attracts the best young bowlers in the county - and it is a very difficult competition to compete in - and to win.

After the intense heat of the previous week, the cool, slightly damp start to the day was a welcome change and much appreciated by all the counties’ young up and coming bowlers. 

The competition was divided into two sections - boys and girls. There were 16 lads entered but, sadly, only four girls. This meant that the boys started with a knockout round which Norwest’s Jack won with a healthy 21 - 5 score that saw him through to the quarter fina stagel.

Unfortunately for Jack, in the next round he was drawn against Oli Collins, an under 18s International bowls player who, though Jack played a great game, beat him 21 - 15. Well done, though, Jack you played brilliantly and better luck next time rund.

The girls went straight to the semi finals, but Chloe Holmes faced tough competition as the other three girls were all Bowls England Under 18 International team squad members and players. Her first opponent, Imogen, started strongly , Chloe only drawing level on the sixth end and then gradually taking the lead, and a four on the eleventh and a three on the twelfth end it gave her a healthy lead which she held on to, finally finishing the game 21 - 11 to go through to the final. 

She met Madi in the final and this was a much tougher game than her previous match, with Chloe trailing until the 25th end when she drew level at 18 shots each.

By this time the spectators were on the edge of their seats watching a gripping final! The next end saw Chloe lose one but she fought on, claiming two shots on the 27th end making the score 20 - 19. Nail biting stuff!

And she clinched it on the 28th end with three shots to claim the game. Commiseration’s to Madi who played an amazing game and congratulations go to Chloe - Norwest’s very own ‘ Somerset’s Under 25’s girls singles player of the Year. We’re all very proud of you Chloe.