After missing an entire season due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Prattens Bowls Club are still going and working towards this new season.

The fixtures list has been somewhat curtailed with the Somerset County League having been postponed until mid-June and the Ladies’ Wild League having been cancelled completely.

There are restrictions to playing other games because Bowls England regulations currently prohibit car-sharing, which makes it very difficult for bowls teams to travel to venues.

That is all the negative stuff out of the way, so on to the positive part. The Green was opened in the middle of April. Some clubs, including Prattens, are still willing to play friendly matches where travel restrictions allow. We have a good sized car park so it is feasible for teams to visit us using their own cars and we are arranging friendly games in lieu of league games where this is possible.

The club is based at Charlton Lane (on the Westfield/Midsomer Norton boundary), but has members from many of the surrounding villages as well as those addresses.

As can be seen in the picture above we are also arranging (socially distanced) practice matches within the club at various times. The normal Monday evening club night is still taking place (but without the usual drinks and chat in the clubhouse) and the lady members are having a practice session on Thursday afternoons with mixed sessions on Saturdays.

To see fixtures and other news, please see our website at: although we are, at present, not allowed spectators at the green. The website also has contact details for club officials if you wish to discuss playing bowls at Prattens.

Graeme Smith