For the forthcoming season, Temple Cloud Cricket Club will be fielding two sides in the Somerset League in Divisions Two and Six respectively.

Winter nets are underway and will continue until the end of March at the Merchants Academy, Withywood, between 7 p.m. – 8 p.m. on Thursday evenings.

Outdoor nets at Stowey Road will commence on Thursday, 23rd April with the opening league fixtures starting on 2nd May.

New players will be most welcome and initial contact can be made with Club Skipper, Kevin Curtis: 07887 525355 or 2nd Xl Skipper, Richard Appleyard (07834 872899).

The club have also entered sides in the Under-11s and Under-13s sections of the Bath and District Youth league. Registration and nets at Stowey Road will commence on Thursday, 16th April from 6.30 p.m. when a qualified coach will be in attendance.

New players for either age group will be welcome.

Contacts are Alex and Angie Comer: 01275 333776 or: 07747 000504.

G. Jackson