NEARLY 140 players competed in Mendip Golf Club’s Coronation Cup. Division 3 went to Geoff Collard with a fine 65 with Andrew Wells 2nd with 66 and Stuart Crane 3rd with 68 after count back.

Division 2 was won by Des Deane with 67, Andrew Thatcher was 2nd with 68 and Dale Rowe was 3rd with 69.

Division 1 was won by Alan Clarke with 67, Duncan Offer was 2nd with 68 and Rob Edney was 3rd with 70 after count back. However the overall cup winner was Darren Phelps with 65 after count back. The Gross prize went to George Morgan with a excellent one under par 70.

The Mid Week Stableford attracted 57 entrants. Div 3 went to Grant Jeffrey with 39 and Josh Baker was 2nd with 38 and Cameron Colbourne was 3rd with 36. Div 2 was won by Lee Callow with 39, Malcolm Srawley was 2nd with 35 and Phil Butcher was 3rd with 34. Div 1 went to Sienna Elliott with 35 after count back from Martin Myers with Jack Vowell 3rd with 34.

Forty-two Ladies played in the qualifying Stableford.  Div 3 was won by Debbie Godwin with 39, well clear of Annette Jobbins in 2nd place with 35 and Wendy Collins was 3rd with 32. Div 2 was won by Diane Stanton with 37 with Jan Fukuyama 2nd with 35 and Ann Padley 3rd with 34 after count back.

Div 1 went to Pauline Young with a tremendous 43 points with Linda Papadopoullos 2nd with 38 and Jane Ball 3rd with 36 after count back. A further 13 ladies played in the 9 hole competition won by Sue Alcock with 21 points - an excellent score on her return from recent surgery. Liz Rose was 2nd with 17 on count back from Chris Olds.

The Ladies Alliance A Team enjoyed a fine win over Bristol & Clifton with wins from Ellen Reakes, Aimee Sawyer, Libbie Dezis and Jinhee Page. This leaves them in 3rd position with 2 games to go. Promotion is still a possibility if they can field their strongest team. The Ladies ICL team signed off their season with a 6-1 win over Wheathill, with wins from Lally Gibson, Anita Butcher, Louise Scott, Pippa Brown, Gina Howard and Min Woodward

The Seniors had a fine win over Yeovil 5-1 with wins from Simon Brand/Paul Godwin, Kevin Carmody/Robert Miller, Tony Scott/John Cross, Richard White/Phil Brocks and Steve Regler/Alan Edwards.

This was followed by a close 3½- 2-½ win over Wells wins this time coming from Kevin Carmody/David Judge, Tony Scott/Martin Sutherland and Paul Godwin/Henry Banks and a half from Gareth Collier/David Pilbeam.

Tony Williams