MOUSEHOLE 3 v 0 PAULTON ROVERS: Paulton made the 380 miles round trip on Tuesday to Mousehole near Penzance only to go down to their newly promoted hosts. After an even start the home side started spraying the ball and after eighteen minutes Hayden Turner broke down the left and cross for Jack Bray-Evans turned the ball into the net. Mousehole nearly added a second as Jack Calver drove his shot wide. Paulton’s first real chance came in the 28th minute when Fin Haines played in Kye Simpson but his shot was saved by keeper Ollie Chenoweth. Rovers stopper Sam Jepson then made a fine save from Mark Goldworthy. The final action of the half saw Joe Morgan win the play and Haines low drive was saved by the home keeper. Mousehole on the restart saw Jepson tip over from Calver. It’s was 2-0 on 62 minutes as sub Tim Nixon played in Hayden Turner who slot the ball into the net. Jepson was again Rovers saviour saving from Tallen Mitchell. Paulton’s best effort was Simpson’s shot clipping the crossbar.  It was 3-0 after 72 minutes as Mitchell cut in from the right to fire a firm shot into the far corner.  Rovers tried hard to get something out the game and the final act saw Dave O’Hare bring a fine save from Chenoweth A long trip home!

Tony Walsh