SEVENTY-THREE players took part on the first day in Wells Golf Club’s Seniors Championship.

Andrew Green enjoyed an excellent gross 77, followed by Steve Barrow on 79, Steve Jackson 83 and four players on 84.  It was all to play for on Day 2. The nett scores had Trev Jones with nett 66, Geoff Spinks, 67 with a host on 68, 69 & 70. Day 2 turned out fair after a lot of rain on Monday and Tuesday. 

Andrew Green held on to his commanding lead to score a gross 158 for the two rounds and to win the Cole Cup Seniors Championship by five shots.  Glen Crocker had a gross 79 to pull himself up the leaderboard and secure second place on countback with 163.  

Steve Barrow slipped down with a gross 84 to take third with 163 (C/B).  Ian Burr scored 169 to take fourth on countback from Simon Jackson. The Dalby Cup for the best nett score was won by Bob J Baker with nett 136, second went to Clive Gadd, nett 137 and then the next three places all had nett 141 decided on countback in order, Paul Lewer, John Hockey, Paul Hole.