THE third Society away day for the Seniors section of Fosseway Golf Club at Folke proved another overwhelming success and was a noteworthy one for the oldest player Gerry Rowell.

His consistent play saw him record a total of 36 points edging out Paul Ellis who came in with the same score but was beaten on countback. Phil Winsley was third with 34 points.

Howard Nowell won the prize for closest to the pin and Chris Appleton hit the longest drive. It was an eventful day for Ellis who came second in both the nearest the pin contest and the longest drive and then shared the two spot kitty with Paul Trigg. Many thanks to Trigg for organising the event.

The scoring was high for the September medal but congratulations go to Appleton who won the event with a nett 70 playing off a handicap of 8. One shot behind came Dave Peacey with Andy Flagg third with a nett 72 beating Ellis and Martyn Cuer on countback.

Members also found the going tough for the Bogey competition for the Eric James Cup and Alan Jones who came in first was the only competitor to record a positive score with +1. Malcolm Tucker was second with a score of 0.