RADSTOCK’S Somer Athletics Club made the short journey to the cathedral city for the Wells Running Festival with participation in three separate events. 

The first race saw several Somer runners successfully complete the challenging 5km route, with David Keogh winning his age category.  Following this was the 1.2km Juniors Race with 9 of the 50 youngsters proudly wearing their black and yellow Somer vests. 

Cheered on by the seniors as they sprinted over the line by the Bishops’ Palace, all the Somer Juniors performed well with Roxy Lear being the 3rd girl back overall.

The biggest turnout was in the tough 10km with runners completing two laps of a course via Dulcote before cresting the gruelling Constitution Hill.  EIighteen Somer runners completed the course with many excellent performances, Teresa Lovern winning her age category, and the Juniors cheering enthusiastically for their older clubmates.

Nearly 40 Somer runners participated on a superb morning in the city, with more providing support. 

If you want to get involved Somer would love to hear from you.  Seniors meet Tues/Thurs at Norton Hill School; youth and juniors meet at Downside School on Thursdays during term times.  Drop them a line at [email protected] or visit their facebook or Instagram pages.