AT THE recent annual meeting of Camerton and Peasedown Croquet Club, Ann and Simon Munton were jointly recognized as the most improved players of the 2024 season.

Ahead of the routine business of the AGM members were entertained by Andy Loakes who gave an amusing presentation about the improvements to the technology within the new clubhouse and other IT advances. These included the writing, by a club member, of an App to help with the Advantage Play system which will be introduced into all Handicap League matches.

Club chair Fran Ralli presented her report noting that 2024 had been a record year of wet weather but there was now a big brush available for removing morning dew from the grass! She thanked the members who had so successfully organised both the summer and winter tournaments, the One-Ball Charity event (which had raised £175 for the British Heart Foundation) and the Taster Days when the club opened up to visitors who enjoyed a game of croquet. The ‘Roll up and Play’ Sundays had also proved a great success as had the Soup and Hoop Mondays.

She noted the Beginners course for 2025 would start on March 16, the Improvers Course would also commence on March 16 and she encouraged all club members to sign up for these courses which are run by the club’s own qualified coaches. She also confirmed that Camerton and Peasedown would be hosting a round of the Croquet England ‘B’ level and ‘C’ level tournaments and the new Croquet England ‘D level’ tournament in the summer and also the Croquet England GC All- England Handicap Final in September. There would also be more Club Fun Days and Barbeques arranged in 2025.

Fran’s advice to all, as she stepped down after holding the chair for four years, was to find, in the Club; “Fun, Friendship, Support and the Power of Togetherness”.

David Milford then presented the teasurer’s report. He reminded the members that the biggest cost for the club was for the professional maintenance of the four full sized lawns and that this cost was covered by annual Membership Fees. Other sources of income were extremely valuable and used for maintaining and improving the new clubhouse and its surrounds; there were projects in hand for 2025. His report was unanimously accepted by the members and Fran Ralli thanked him for his hard work throughout the year.

Then followed reports from the tournament organisers, Colin Britt and Nigel Wulko. Mo Boys then presented a report on the 2024 One Ball competition and told the meeting that the chosen charity, for this year's event, would be The Alzheimer’s Society. Mo also said six new members had joined following the 2024 Beginners Course and eight people had already booked in for the Beginners Course for this month. She said that information about this course could be found on the club website and this year it would include an extra ‘Meet the Members’ afternoon planned for April 6.

In ‘Any Other Business’ a request was made to look into the possibility of getting a defibrillator installed at the club.

Two speeches of appreciation and thanks for the work that Fran Rally had done for the club during her years as chairperson were followed by a presentation of appropriate gifts.

The club website can be found at