Kilmersdon Gardeners had the great pleasure of welcoming Colin Higgins, at long last! His previously planned visit was cancelled after getting snowed in at the beginning of last year. Colin arrived with moth and bee friendly plants which we all took advantage of buying to encourage more wildlife into our gardens.

Colin specialises in garden design and landscaping, and especially in habitats for wildlife, ponds, planting for pollinators, wildlife photography, all with an aim to protect and attract lesser known species. As Colin is the moth expert, he gave us an enthralling insight into how we could improve our gardens to attract moths and encourage their caterpillars to eat native plants instead of our precious garden flowers.

Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, June 12, when we welcome Baz Hamblin to talk about ‘Lavender: the forgotten herb’, covering the history of lavender in this country. They will also give an insight into running their lavender farm in Somerset. The doors at Kilmersdon Village Hall are open at 7.15pm, new members and visitors very welcome, free refreshments.

For more information visit: or search ‘Kilmersdon Gardeners’ on Facebook.

Judith Stanford