The East Harptree Flower Show is set for the 14th of September this year with the theme of ‘Make. Do. Mend.’ You may remember that, in previous years, a series of wonderful workshops for children in the run-up to the show have been provided as a fun summer activity to create something fantastic to enter into the show.

This year the team want to do workshops for young people and adults too!

First up, a poetry workshop will take place with the wonderful Paul Watkin, who packs a punch and tells a story in a skilful and witty way.

This workshop will be held on the 4th of May, 5pm - 7pm at the East Harptree Pavilion, open to anyone over the age of 10. Young people are especially welcome. You just need to bring your creativity, pen, paper and your phone and Paul will guide you to create your poem on the theme of ‘Breaking and Making’.

This will not only be an opportunity to create an entry for the Flower Show itself but also a chance to get to know Paul and his poetry whilst enjoying a spring evening at the Pavilion.

If you are interested in booking the workshop, get in touch at or you can just drop in on the night!

Further information about this year’s show, including the categories for entry, can be found on Facebook: and Instagram: Details on more summer workshops will also be released soon.