It is a testament to the success of the organisation that members are so keen to meet up and continue to practise their skills after the official end to the season and into the summer months.

Suzanne Ladd, our June outings co-ordinator, has done a sterling job at organising and motivating others to take the lead on the five Thursdays in the month, so that to date we have enjoyed the first two, and look forward to the remaining three!

Last week, we met at the new RPS Centre across the road from Arnos Vale, first to view the “Pink Food “exhibition, and then to enjoy the weather and hospitality at the Cemetery. Here we wandered freely amongst the tributes and memorials to those long dead, engrossed in the history, atmosphere and sheer magnitude of this inspirational place, and later retired to the café for refreshment and a chat.

This week, Diana Walker skilfully combined her friends from our club with her comrades from Cam Valley on a day trip to the Hawk Conservancy Trust, near Andover in Hampshire. The drive was well worth the effort and again the weather was glorious. The venue is magnificent and the facilities, together with the expertise and knowledge of our hosts, second to none.

Birds were flown with great skill and the commentaries were a testament to the amazing work and focus on conservation of the staff and trustees since its inception in 2002. We basked in early sunshine, enjoying the Wings of Africa display during which magnificent creatures swooped and dipped low over the spectators and displayed their feathers and fancies to those assembled. There was much to see and hear as well as a sociable lunch and a wander through the wild flower meadow to enjoy before the Masters of the Sky display took flight at 2pm. Eagles and Vultures were joined by captive Kites as well as wild ones, that together with the local crows, swallows and pigeons chanced their luck scavenging for leftovers from the lures and catapults of the handlers. Some lingered for the flight of the woodland owls and others made their way home, but all agreed that it had been well worth the visit and merits return.

Next week the sights and sounds of the streets of Glastonbury beckon when we meet in the afternoon to practise our skills in street photography.

Jenny Short