Avon Needs Trees smashed their record recently, by planting 1,100 trees in one day, writes Ben Moss.
The record was made at Great Avon Wood, near Pensford, with volunteers, including a team from the West of England Combined Authority (WECA).
Sarah George, from Bristol, who has recently volunteered, tells Avon Needs Trees why she is so passionate about planting.
She said: “I'm really excited with all that Avon Needs Trees are doing to create new woodland in one of the most nature depleted countries in the world.
“We need trees and woodland for so many reasons and when I heard they were planning to create the South West's largest new woodland I wanted to get involved, knowing that when me or my children come to visit one day in the future, I'll be able to say, 'I helped create that’.”
Sarah added: “I really enjoyed the volunteering. I immediately felt part of a welcoming group. The tree planting was fun and rewarding, and at the end of the day it was so satisfying to look back and think ‘I've just planted all those trees’.”
The charity aims to address the climate and nature emergency by establishing permanent woodland with a mosaic of habitats on land it purchases and through partnerships with landowners.
This venture shows that where there’s a will there’s a way. A number of organisations have joined forces to make this happen; hard work, commitment, funding and volunteers have been key to ensuring success. And of course, allowing nature to thrive; it really doesn’t need much encouragement.
One of the supporters and funders has been WECA. Residents are urged to pay attention to the pledges of candidates for the forthcoming Mayoral election on May 1, in terms of their commitment to nature recovery.
If you would like to join the volunteers visit the Avon Needs Trees website: www.avonneedstrees.org.uk