A seaside town has been subjected to a huge massacre of birds - with more than 50 killed or seriously injured by high-powered capapults.

Residents have described heartbreaking scenes of 'dead birds everywhere' - as dozens have been shot in Clevedon.

The mystery bird killer has targeted everything from ducks to pigeons, seagulls and other wildlife with bullets either leaving them dead or seriously injured.

In one case, six pigeons resting in a residents' garden aviary were attacked over a fence.

Avon and Somerset Police are investigating after being inundated with reports from the residential area of Clevedon since Thursday, August 8.

It has been reported at least two individuals walking the streets in broad daylight have been taking shots at birds with catapults.

Sarah Dutton, from the Backwell-based animal rescue group Curious Critters, said the situation needs urgent attention and awareness, as they alone have been handed 28 birds to care for

She said: "Many animals have been hit with slingshots in Clevedon including seagulls, ducks, pigeons and other wildlife.

"We have more coming in today with bullet holes, and others that are injured are still trying to be caught.

"We're not set up to take this number of casualties, but we cannot let them die just because there are some evil people in this world committing atrocious acts."

Due to this emergency, the team are in rapid need to get some aviaries and flight pens that can be sectioned off to accommodate 'this sheer number of birds'.

These sections can then be removed to provide a long flying space, preparing the birds for their soft release.

The cost will amount to over £1,000 - and the animal rescue group say the investment will enable them 'to help many more animals in the future so it will certainly be worth it'.

Avon and Somerset police have reported their team are stepping up high-visibility patrols in the area and are investigating the attacks.

Sarah said the birds are being cared for, one who they have named '50 Pence' has an injured wing and a bullet hole but survived. Another has a broken jaw, swelling to the side of his face and his right eye is unable to open.

Avon and Somerset police said they were aware of what has been occurring in this corner of Clevedon, in the streets nearest the Hazel Close playing field.

A spokesperson for the police confirmed the sudden spate of reports and said: “We have received reports, some of which were reported online, about two unknown people launching small projectiles at birds in the Hazel Close, Kenn Road and Newlands Green areas of Clevedon between Thursday 8 and Monday 12 August.

"Officers are carrying out high-visibility patrols in the area and encourage any members of the public who witness similar incidents to get in touch.

"If you see anything suspicious, or have any footage, please report it to us online at www.avonandsomerset.police.uk or via our 101 non-emergency system."