The leader of the Liberal Democrats has wagered a pint of cider that one of his Somerset candidates will win a larger majority than him at the general election.

Sir Ed Davey enjoyed a bicycle ride around the base of Glastonbury Tor and shared an ice cream with Sarah Dyke, who is standing for the Lib Dems in the Glastonbury and Somerton constituency.

Ms Dyke triumphed in the Somerton and Frome by-election almost a year ago, ending up with a larger parliamentary majority than her party leader.

The two made a light-hearted bet during the visit, with whoever ends up with the larger majority buying the other “a good pint of Somerset cider” once the dust has settled.

Mr Davey retained his seat at the 2019 general election with a majority of 10,489 – while Ms Dyke achieved a 29 per cent in the by-election to win David Warburton’s former seat by 11,008 votes.

When asked whether she could end up with a larger majority than Mr Davey this time around, Ms Dyke responded jovially: “I’m going to him give him a good run for his money.”

Mr Davey replied: “That’s a great competition – shall we shake on that? Whoever wins buys the other a good pint of Somerset cider.”

Glastonbury has historically seen large support for the Green Party, with nine of the 16 town councillors being Greens – including former Jon Cousins, who is standing for the party against Ms Dyke.

The Greens finished third in the Somerton and Frome by-election, ahead of both Labour and Reform UK – but Mr Davey was swift to dismiss any notion that they could prevent a Lib Dem victory this time around.

He said: “I think many people approaching this election really want to see the Conservatives beaten, and they know in Glastonbury and Somerton that if they want to do that, they vote Liberal Democrat.

“I’ve been really encouraged and really grateful for the number of people who were previously thinking of voting Labour or Green, who know that would be a wasted vote here, who are willing to lend us their vote here so we can beat the Conservatives.”

Ms Dyke concurred: “We’ve had a really good response on the doorstep.

“It’s very similar to the by-election last year, where a lot of people who were considering voting Green are very aware of how important that tactical vote is.”