DOG owners are invited to share their thoughts on designs for new play equipment and fencing at Frome’s Old Showfield on Saturday, August 17, from 3pm until 5pm.

There will also be a free dog ‘parkour’ and hoopers activity, run by Charismatic Pets, and a pop-up pet shop with natural treats and chews. 

Every participating dog will receive a rosette from Charismatic Pets and the team, as the event focuses on participation rather than skill.

Cllr Sara Butler-Bartholomew said “The Old Showfield is already very popular with Frome’s dog walkers and the response was really positive when we asked if people would like to see a dedicated dog area.

“What that means in practice is up for debate. The team have researched similar dog areas and taken advice, and we’d love to know what you think of the ideas so far. Come and view the drawings and ideas and tell us what you think would work best for you and your dog.”

Charismatic Pets held a similar event in April. The event is weather-dependent and will be rescheduled if it's too hot for dogs. For updates, check Frome Town Council's social media.