There were 73 visits to Green Open Homes and Gardens and an ‘Ask the Experts’ event which was held on June 15 in Chew Stoke and East Harptree.

Visitors had the choice of a range of properties and outdoor spaces which showcased energy-saving retrofitting and interventions to increase biodiversity. 

Richard Davis, one of the organisers and home openers, said: “I really enjoyed meeting the people who visited and I think our collective effort seems to have inspired people to take on their own projects”.

Volunteers Jill Baker, Jackie Head and Richard Davis pulled the overall event together with members of the BWCE team. The organisers were also grateful to The Crumpeteers who provided refreshments.

Jackie Head, for whom this was the second event as an organiser, commented: “I was really pleased that we added a focus on enhancing biodiversity this year as the climate and nature emergency really do sit hand in hand and many people need help and support in both areas to take practical steps forward. As well as gardens the trail included a visit to East Harptree Churchyard and a biodiverse meadow.”

Andrew Jones, who visited a property in Chew Stoke, said “The quality of the materials really helped to focus me on where I needed to go to get practical insights into the key concerns I had.”

A further larger Green Open Homes event will be held in Bath on Ocotber 12-13. For further information visit the Website .