This month’s Mystery Photograph provides a splendid sight in a local village. If you look very carefully, there is a clue as to where it is. Or perhaps you can recognise your house?

If you have anything interesting to tell us about the photo, or the people in it, and would like a mention in the Chew Valley Gazette, please get in touch. Contact the Editor at [email protected].

Mystery Photograph Chew Valley Gazette June
June’s Mystery Photograph was taken at Whalley Court Road. (Photo: Harptrees History Society) ( )

Did you recognise where June's mystery photo was taken? It dates from 1952, during construction of Chew Valley Lake, and shows a junction on Walley Court Road in Chew Stoke. The lane on the left originally led past Woodford house, which is now under the lake, and on towards Bishop Sutton.

If you have any old pictures of people, places and events in the Chew Valley and Mendip area that you would like to see in the Chew Valley Gazette as a mystery photo, or that could be added to the Harptrees History Society's archive, please email [email protected].

The Chew Valley Gazette thanks Harptrees History Society for continuing to supply photographs and information for our monthly Mystery Photograph feature.