RESIDENTS of Peasedown St John have participated in a community planting project funded by Bath and North East Somerset Council.

The project was initiated by local resident Jamie Prowse, who approached Bath and North East Somerset Council for support as he wanted to ‘make a difference’ over the summer by brightening up the area in which he lives.

Jamie contacted the Bath and North East Somerset’s Chairwomen, Cllr Karen Walker, for advice and support. Karen agreed to allocate £200 from the Youth Empowerment Fund for additional plants to be planted at the Bath Road junction with the A367 by-pass, and near the roundabout at the top of Dunkerton Hill.

The Youth Empowerment Fund is a grant to support young people in achieving their ambitions, by providing financial assistance to help them buy the resources, training or equipment required to learn and develop skills in the subjects they are passionate about.

Jamie said: “My daughter Lucie and I both wanted to give something back to the community and improve where we live. Peasedown is a beautiful village and I want my children to feel proud of where they are from, but also to help make it a better place.

“Acts of service in the community and doing good is the best education for a child, so I was keen for my daughter to take part in this. We feel pleased to have done one small act.”

Cllr Walker’s fund provided 10 Berberis 'Orange Rocket' plants, four Viburnums, three bags of chippings, and two bags of compost. Jamie and his daughter Lucie added to the project by buying two Escallonia Laevis 'Glowing Embers' and two Syringa 'Red Pixies'.

Cllr Karen Walker said: “A huge thank you to Jamie and Lucie for all their hard work. When they approached me earlier in the summer to request funding, I was only too pleased to support the project. The new planted areas at either end of the village look fantastic. I’m always keen to support projects that make a difference in the community and improve the quality of the life of residents and the visual appearance of the public realm.”

In January 2024, a new avenue of trees was planted in Peasedown St John, funded by the Forest of Avon Trust. Karen Walker worked with B&NES Council’s Parks and Green Spaces Department to plant 17 trees, including Hawthorn, Rowan, Silver Birch, and Whitebeam.