Radstock Town Council has secured the former Trinity Methodist Church for use by the community.

Trinity Methodist Church was built in 1902, with their final service taking place in January 2022.

As reported by The Journal, Trinity Methodist group, which consisted of two churches in Westfield and Radstock, first announced one of their churches could close in June 2021.

Both churches had a combined congregation size of around 53 at the time, making it difficult to find funds to keep both buildings open.

An online petition - which gathered 546 signatures - was started by Radstock Town Council in March 2022 to save the church for community use.

Since then, Radstock Town Council has worked with Bath & North East Somerset Council, church trustees, interested residents, groups and charities to secure the future of this building for the community.

The town council is delighted to confirm that the building, now known as the Trinity Community Hub, has been secured, with aspirations to create a community space for local groups and residents situated in the heart of Radstock.

Radstock Town Council has worked in close partnership with Bath and North East Somerset Council’s regeneration team to create an action plan focussing on the regeneration of the town centre. One of the key aims of the plan is to protect and develop a central space for the community and expand and improve local services to provide a warm, welcoming and fully accessible space.

Over the last two years, work has been carried out to support the future development and use of the building. This includes architectural drawings and feasibility studies. Relocation of the town council’s operations, including the community library, to the building will ensure the long-term viability of Trinity Community Hub.

Acquisition of the building has been made possible by a Public Works Board Loan, allocation of funds from the Community Infrastructure Levy and grants from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. Radstock Town Council is now looking for further funding to support the project.

Radstock Town Council said: “An enormous thank you goes to all who have supported the journey to secure Trinity Community Hub and look forward to welcoming local residents to enjoy this much needed community space.”

For further information on Trinity Community Hub and the Radstock Town Council Regeneration Plan, please see the town council; website www.radstock-tc.gov.uk or: contact Radstock Town Council via telephone: 01761 437962 or email: [email protected]