Churches around Peasedown St John, Wellow and Shoscombe will be holding special services on Remembrance Sunday, 12th November.

Peasedown St John’s annual Remembrance Sunday service will be held in St John’s Parish Church, Church Road.

Starting at 10.45am, the service will feature presentations from the uniformed groups and civic leaders.

Last year over 200 people packed the Church to remember those who have given their lives in conflict.

Revd Matthew Street, who is chaplain to the uniformed groups in the local area, will be leading the service. Last year, the event had a special focus on the ‘Special Operations Executive’ (SOE), which was an underground army that waged a secret war in enemy-occupied Europe and Asia.

This year’s theme will focus jointly on the Red Cross during the Second World War and the 80th anniversary of the Dambusters Raid. The Dam Busters were members of the RAF’s 617 Squadron who were specially assembled in March 1943 to bomb three dams in Germany’s industrial heartland, the Ruhr Valley. The raid, on the night of 16th/17th May, was called Operation Chastise and involved 133 aircrew flying 19 specially adapted Lancaster bombers.

Revd Matthew Street said: “Each year it is important to collectively remember those that have laid down their lives for the freedom and civil liberties we all enjoy today.

“At this year’s village remembrance service, we will especially look at the role of the Red Cross during World War II, and the Dambusters’ raid of 1943 and how it played a crucial role in helping to defeat the Nazis two years later.

“We shall also take time to read aloud the names of the fallen from Peasedown St John, one by one.”

Wreaths will be laid during the service at the war memorial in the Church by members of the uniformed groups, the Vice-Chairwoman of B&NES Cllr Karen Walker, plus representatives from the Peasedown Community Trust, the Parish Council, the WI and the Head Boy and Head Girl from Peasedown St John Primary School.

Prayers will be led by Revd Matthew Street, with Cllr Gavin Heathcote from B&NES Council reading out the Names of the Fallen.

Meanwhile in St Julian’s Church, Wellow, a trumpeter will lead the Last Post during the Remembrance Service which also starts at 10.45 am.

In St Julian’s Church, Shoscombe, the Remembrance Service will start at 11.15 am, and a two-minute silence will be observed.