Prior to the summer holidays, Westfield Primary School played host to over twenty different businesses and professionals as part of their Fantastic Futures week, with the main aim of raising children’s aspirations for future careers.
Fantastic Futures is now in its eighth year and the pupils have enjoyed working alongside many different companies and individuals who talked about their roles whilst giving pupils ‘hands-on’ opportunities to practise different skills and competencies such as teamwork, communication skills and creativity. The NHS, MCS Building Services, The Crown Prosecution Service and Airbus were just some of the inspirational visitors in attendance.

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Headteacher Simon Mills explained: “We were also very lucky to have our week launched through an inspirational assembly by Alicia Hempleman Adams MBE, who holds six World Air Sports Federation world records and fifteen British records.
“She was able to talk about how skills learnt at school became so essential when it came to operating the hot air balloons in such extreme conditions.”
During the week, Westfield was also very fortunate to have Maddie Difazio-Wright pay a visit, who talked about her current role with MAKE Chartered building contractors, plus her amazing feat with Team Vibe the Wave, completing the World's Toughest Row race across 3000 miles of the Atlantic Ocean. During the race her boat was rammed by a Marlin at least three times with its sharp spear, but through their ingenuity they were able to plug the holes of the boat with empty champagne bottles from their News Eve celebrations!
Mr Mills added: “Westfield is truly invested into its unique, careers focused initiative with the belief that it will make a tangible difference to the lives of its pupils. Through Fantastic Futures, the school hopes to promote a positive message to the next generation regarding amazing job opportunities that exist not only locally but more importantly further afield.
“By introducing children to successful professionals working in different roles and industries, we aim to broaden their horizons, increase awareness of the opportunities open to them and boost their confidence. We are not only aiming to ensure that our pupils will have the skills employers need today, but we are also planning for the skills they will need in ten or twenty years.
“Whether it is designing homes, building a jet engine, laying a pipeline or launching rockets into space, it is clear to see that the future of children at Westfield Primary has never looked so fantastic!”