Due to restrictions in the early part of the season, President’s Day was cancelled, so it was decided to hold President’s and Captain’s Day together.

Forty members enjoyed the afternoon starting with the traditional Spider which was won by Andy Walker.

The format for the rest of the afternoon was a lucky dip to play on rinks, and positions scores are added up after 21 ends.

The highest Ladies was Val Bryant and the Men’s was Graham Walkington. Wooden spoons were handed to Sue Easton and Mike Firth, a buffet was laid on by Mary Coombs and Lin Hill, who both received bouquets from President, Brian Holmes, also Mary Harston, who is back to her best after her recent hip operation, thanks to Brian who has done a good job in his time in office and best wishes to Cilla Rich, our President Elect.

Summing up, it has been a strange season. We were not alone in cancelling some games, due to a loss in members – hopefully we can welcome back some old members and perhaps some new faces.

This game is not entirely for senior players, one of our young members, Chloe Holmes, received a winner’s medal at Leamington in the Under-23 Somerset County Finals.

Thanks to Becky and the team at The Journal for helping me out with the reporting of Norwest.

Merv Ashman