Although the outdoor season has now finished, it’s still a very busy time at Purnell Bowls club, with the indoor season in full swing.

Some 180 members are enjoying the first class two rink indoor bowls hall, taking part in a full programme of ladies’, men’s and open leagues. We are particularly pleased that some 37 new members have joined us this year either as experienced bowlers or for those who have decided to have a go for the first time and are receiving coaching from our team of coaches. We welcome anyone who feels like giving it a go, particularly if you have recently retired from other sports, football, cricket, netball, hockey and the like. You can obtain information by contacting John Hansford: 01761 415957, Don Dart: 01761 471019. Visit our website: or call in at the club in Bristol Road.

Meanwhile plans are in hand for the start of the outdoor season next April, when the club recently held its Outdoor AGM. Chairman Don Dart welcomed a good turnout of members and in his remarks thanked all the various officers for their sterling efforts last year and particularly paid tribute to Bryn Hawkins, who has decided to stand down as President after a number of years in the office, men tioning how much he has been involved in the development of the club over the past years. The ladies’ and men’s captains gave their reports on the past season, particularly thanking all members for their support during the year. The election of officers took place, with the following being elected: Ladies’ President – Jan Dart, Men’s President – Colin Toogood, Chairman – Don Dart, Secretary – Jan Dart, Competitions Secretary – Len Gunstone, Ladies’ Captain – Di Crouch, Men’s Captain – John Matthews and mixed Captains – Roger and Maureen Withey. After general discussion on various subjects the Chairman declared the meeting closed and everyone enjoyed time together over a drink.

John Hansford