Mendip Golf Club Press Report:

NEARLY 120 ompetitors played in the annual running of the Flower Trophy at Mendip Golf Club.

Good conditions saw 22 players better par. Kieran Wiltshire won Div 3 with a fine net 66, Danny Rugg was 2nd with 68 after count back from Joseph Curtis.

Div 2 went to Darrin Vowell with 67, with Mens Captain Mark Necker 2nd with 68 after count back from Richard Gumbleton. Div 1 was won by Simon Jefferies with 67, with Peter Grafton 2nd with 68 and Ryan Sainsbury 3rd with 69 after count back from Phil Leadbeater.

However the trophy winner was the in form Andrew Robinson (handicap index 20.3) who carded an outstanding net 62 despite a double bogey 5 on the last hole. Well done Andrew (now H I 17.2). Dan Owen carded another under par 70 to win the Gross competition with Jack Vowell 2nd with a 72.

Forty four Ladies played in the qualifying Stableford event. Div 1 went to Kerry Pawley with 37 after count back from Pauline Young with Maureen Charlton 3rd with 35. Div 2 was won by Chris Down with 33 after count back from Ann Padley with Jenny Ahlberg 3rd with 32 and Wendy Collins won Div 3 with 32 with Annette Jobbins 2nd with 29 after count back from Pauline Williams.

Nearest the Pin went to James White with Craig Robertson 2nd.

The Seniors had a fine win when beating Sherborne 4-2. Wins coming from Richard White/John Scott, Terry Carter/Robert Miller, Kevin Carmody/David Judge and John Stembridge/John Cross.

Mendip were delighted to hold the West of England U 14s Championship played over 36 holes. The full field of 45 saw the winner come from Kendleshire who shot  145 just 3 over Par. Seven of Mendip’s Juniors played with Maisie Dezis gaining the best result with a first round Net 69 being the Best Net on Day 1.

This week’s ‘Who are they' features Ladies Captain Elect Louise Scott. Louise’s main sport over the years has been Equestian Events which she was involved in for 40 years.

However when living in Australia Louise took up golf in 2014. Returning to the UK she became a member of Mendip in 2021 and quickly became fully involved with many aspects of the club. Now playing off a handicap of 24 Louise is shadowing Lady Captain Ann learning of the challenges ahead.

Tony Williams