CHURCHES in the area getting ready for festive Christingle services over the next couple of weeks as part of their Christmas season of events.

The Christingle, representing the Earth and Jesus as the light of the world, was first introduced into the Church of England by the Children’s Society more than 50 years ago. It is now used in school plays and children’s nativities all over the world.

Leader at both St John’s (Peasedown) and St Julian’s (Wellow) Revd Matthew Street said: “The orange represents the world, the red ribbon symbolising the blood of Christ, the four cocktail sticks with sweets and fruit illustrate God's gifts and the four seasons, and the candle represents Jesus as the light of the world.

“The Christingle, quite simply, represents the core message of Christianity – that Jesus Christ, all year round, is the light and saviour of the world. This historic truth is not just something for children or the young at heart – but it is for everyone that chooses to believe it.”

The services will be held at St John’s Church in Peasedown St John on Sunday, December 8 at 4.30pm, and St Julian’s Church in Wellow on Sunday, December 15 at 4.30pm.