The latest Pro Shop Stableford event saw a win for James White with 40 points, Adam Deverill was second with 36 and Sam Pratten third with 34.

Nearest the Pin was won by Craig Robertson with Steve Davis second.

The Mixed Social Competition saw a dozen couples competing on a horrid day for golf resulting with the event being reduced to 9 holes. Winning with 22 points were the pairing of Sienna Elliott and Dave Cox, one ahead of Julie Doyle and Omar Aziz, a new name to the mixed golfing scene, with Pippa Brown and Clive Copp third also with 21 points.

Despite blustery conditions, twenty seven ladies played in a 9 hole stableford event. Libby Bellew saw a welcome return to the winners circle with first place in Division 1 with 18 points. Hilary Rowdon was second with 16 after countback from Edwina Willis. Division 2 went to Chris Down with 18 points, Ann Padley was second with 17 after countback from Lilian Peel. Division 3 was won by Maggie Brain with a best of the day score of 20 points. Sally Humphries came second with 15 and Elaine Richardson was third with 14 after countback.

It was excellent news to hear that Mendip ended the current season with two Somerset County Champions. In May, Ladies Captain Aimee Sawyer won the Somerset Ladies Championship with an outstanding level par 36 hole score. Then in early October, immediate past Seniors Captain Steve Davis won the Somerset Seniors County Stableford Championship with a fine 40 points thus becoming the first Mendip Senior to win this competition in fifteen years. Well done to both of them.

One hundred Seniors played in the Christmas Turkey Trot Competition. With a 10am Shotgun Start and and 20 prizes to be won, this ensured a very full clubhouse after the golf, the competitors being greeted with mulled wine and mince pies to start proceedings.

Although the course is currently playing long after all the recent rain it was in excellent order and this was reflected by some very good scoring. An outstanding 46 points saw a win for Nigel Cheshire a round containing four birdies in the last ten holes. Simon Brand was second with 43 points and your press correspondent Tony Williams was third with 41. Seniors Captain Elect and Competition Organiser Tony Scott was fourth with 40 with Simon Smith fifth with the best of five scores of 39 points. The press correspondent should really have had a further prize for being the first to arrive at 08:20am mistakenly believing that it was a 9am start!

All that leaves is for me is to wish all members and readers a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year and I hope you have enjoyed reading my various reports in 2023.

Tony Williams